* Aubèrge Madeleine
A shelter for women in difficulty. Victims of mental illness, substance abuse, homelessness and conjugal violence come to the Aubèrge for the support and encouragement of a devoted staff of qualified social workers.
* La Leche League Canada:
A charitable organization that provides breastfeeding information and support to women across Canada.
* Lamplighters Children’s Leukemia-Cancer Foundation:
An organization working out of the Montreal Children’s Hospital.
* Learning Associates of Montreal:
A non-profit centre dedicated to helping children and families cope with problems associated with learning disabilities.
* Leave Out Violence (L.O.V.E.):
An organization that is committed to the idea that the prevention of violence is everyone’s responsibility.
* Montreal Jubilation Gospel Choir
Perpetual Scholarship for Distinction in the Arts (Union United Church):
This scholarship helps support young students in pursuit of excellence in the Arts.
* Negro Community Centre Building Fund:
At present the building is in need of renovations.
* St-George’s Anglican Church Building Fund
This one hundred and twenty-five year-old church, singled out be a Federal Government Commission as an outstanding example of Victorian Gothic architecture, needs $300,000 to cover the cost of repairing it’s roof.
* St-James United Church Drop-In Centre
This community outreach program provides over 15,000 meals a year to Montreal’s homeless.
* Toope Memorial Foundation Perpetual Scholarship
Created in memory of Rev. Frank Toope and Mrs. Jocelyn Toope. this scholarship honours community involvement as well as academic and athletic excellence.