Gospel Celebration 2018 featuring the Montreal Jubilation Gospel Choir Founded [1982] by Dr....
Gospel Celebration 2018 featuring the Montreal Jubilation Gospel Choir Founded [1982] by Dr. Trevor W. Payne, C.M. 36th Anniversary Concert Don’t miss your chance to celebrate GOSPEL CELEBRATION 2018 featuring The Montreal Jubilation Gospel Choir founded [1982] by Dr. Trevor W. Payne, C.M. This annual Montreal tradition marks the 36th Anniversary of the choir. The Montreal Jubilation … Continued
THÉÂTRE MAISONNEUVE December 3rd, 2017 SOLD OUT Trevor’s Farewell Gospel Celebration featuring the Montreal Jubilation Gospel Choir Founded and directed by Dr. Trevor W. Payne, C.M. Dr Payne’s interview with Ken Connors 35th anniversary On Sunday, December 3 at Théâtre Maisonneuve, Place des Arts don’t miss your chance to celebrate Trevor’s Farewell Gospel … Continued
Expect these holiday favourites and inspiring gospel hymns to warm your hearts just in time for Christmas.