Jubilation IV – A Cappella
(Traditional) Arranged by William L. Dawson Neil A Kjos Music Co. Kathleen Dyson, soloist
(Traditional) Arranged by William L. Dawson Neil A. Kjos Music Co. Clement C. Walker, soloist
(Traditional) Arranged by Wm. L. Dawson Neil A. Kjos Music Co. Marie Thomas, soloist
(Traditional) Arranged by William L. Dawson Neil A. Kjos Music Co. Donald L. Marsman, soloist
Jubilation IV – A Cappella
CD#: Just 46-2
Produced by Jim West and Trevor W. Payne
Musical arrangements by Trevor W. Payne
unless otherwise stated
Album Details
Montreal Jubilation Gospel Choir
Founded and directed by
Trevor W. Payne, C. M.
« The Montreal Jubilation Gospel Choir, 46 voices strong, is one of the best around. On this CD, the choir performs 13 Negro spirituals without accompaniment. Choir director Trevor Payne masterfully leads the voices through these moving compositions. »
Mark Andrews, The Vancouver Sun
Anita Allen, Joy Charles, Anne E. Corbin, Faye D. Corbin, Sylvie Desgroseilliers, Suzie Desloges, Jeannette E. Gibson, Patricia Knight, Syvlia Knight, Carole L. Mark, Maryse Pinet, Tracy Simpson, Marie Thomas, Lesley Warren, Carol L.M. Wilson;
Viviane Mukti Andrahos, Jean T.C. Cambridge, Susan I. Clarke, Delphine Pan Deoue, Marjorie Dixon, Joanne Griffith, Loulou Hughes, Sharon Johnson, Marie-Hélène Montreuil, Sonia Patenaude, Lisa Paterson, Carmen Smith, Kandace L. Springer, Myrna L. Springer, Andrea G. Weekes, Andrea D. Yearwood;
Misana Bannister, Terry S. Baptiste, Stephen L.M. Carrington, Kathleen Dyson, Ian Foster, Richard A. Gamble, Guy Groleau, Julian Lee, Clement C. Walker
Sean Baptiste, Sylvan Bowles-Dove, Diego M. de Souza, Kenrick Abdul Julien, Ronald J. Pierce